Rabu, 27 April 2011


assesment da di tunda pd 1 ari bln 5...keje bnyk da ciap cume tinggl final je....huhuhuu
nk blikkk ..... huhuhu =(


i miss the moment with u "dear"
u will  leaVE me ....

but its okay ....



Rabu, 20 April 2011

drawing is my whole life...

i love to draw..
love to draw anything...
and i try to be person who good in drawing
 n i will try ....

ni asgmnt exercise drawing time part 2..
use media black charcoal n white charcoal

and this one exercise drawing .....

and....... the end sy dpt ciapkn jgk =)

love it !

Selasa, 19 April 2011

my catsss

love there so muchhh!! muaahH!!

with my catz"blackyy"
mish uuuuu...
xsbr nk blik jumpe kam0..
mesti da xingt along lg ann...
ye laa
along da lme xblikk.... =(


emm....xtaw la sempat study ke x..
keje banyak huhuh
hope sempat la study subjek history...
23 ,26 exam......

mampu ke sy wat semue ni...

studyy.....smbil wat keje...
lg bpe ari lg niii...huuhu


huhuuhu...alot off asgmnt....mne stu nk wat....mse da singkat,,,,lectrer sume kjp ade..kjp xde ....
ble nk proceed final fiber ni.....huhu =(

emm,,, exercise drawing da proceed...
final nature drawing in process.
baju asas....lgi ckit lg nk ciap
final dress temA "my black dress",,,.....ondway ciap..
beg yg di printing tnggal nk jhit jee....
tu pn full ngn student part lain yg nk pkai mesin jhit...
emm....ble nk siap keje ni sume
really2 tension for this month...
xtaw la...bleh teruskan ke x.....emm